We recognise that a UK education is very important for many Chinese students as the UK is a well-regarded centre for education worldwide. We are familiar with the university lists and can offer placement advice about a whole range of universities and subject studies within the UK.
For those students looking at future university placement the IELTS examination is one of the means of entry and we can offer specialist courses for this examination as well as support from our own qualified teaching staff.
However, studying in another language can be very difficult and stressful so at Traveledex we provide additional online support for our students both for academic study skills and for individual subjects. We can also arrange private tutoring where necessary. This means that when you find your studies too hard you have a friendly teacher to ask questions, get help with academic writing and how to deal with those citations and references. Also, if you do find yourself in trouble with the University and being asked to go to Academic Misconduct meetings, we can help out with statements and potential interview questions and answers for you to give. We can also explain the Extenuating Circumstances situation and how to use it to give yourself more time or sometimes get an extra chance to do work or exams again.
For students, or business people, coming for a short time to improve their language skills we can offer placement at some of the highest quality English language centres in the UK. Many of these are based away from London in locations that also offer a chance to experience the UK culture and heritage and we can combine language learning (general or subject-specific) with tourism to experience the richness of the UK culture.
Parents who want their younger children to study at a UK boarding school (a private school where students live and study) we can offer our Guardianship service as well as a choice from some of the best independent schools in the UK. The Guardianship service is important as for students under 18, and particularly those under 16, UK law requires them to have appointed a UK based Guardian who can look after them and be the contact point for emergencies. Our service goes a little further as we provide academic reports and assistance as well as advice on further holidays and studies during holiday time if the students cannot easily return home to China. When parents come to the UK to visit their children, we can also provide a specialised travel service so you get to see the main tourism sites as well as some wonderful ones that are not so well-known.
We sometimes find that students are very homesick when away studying in the UK and so we offer our own private discussion forums online where students can discuss anything between themselves or ask help questions that they may find difficult to ask in person due to language issues. Are people are qualified in counselling so you know you will get the best advice and a sympathetic person to talk to.
So, if you are Chinese and would like to study in the UK, we welcome you!